Doesn’t matter if you yell, doesn’t matter if you whisper, words hurt. Language is the true currency of this planet.
We are what we say, and unfortunately for many of us, we are what we hear. Language and reality are strange bedfellows.
I write this to ask of all of you, to ask all of who you know, all of who you may someday know, to when you speak, do so kindly.
Kindness Matters.
The other day I started to write a true, sometimes funny, story about the last 40 years that I’ve been on the road, a story about being the unofficial greeter at dozens and dozens of BASS Registration Events.
But midway through I started getting messages about friends and former colleagues being fired from their jobs. Some of those people suddenly unemployed are household names, many are not, most are people I know.
I’m told it was a “bottom-line” decision, business ya know.
And then social media fires up, statements and meanness you only say from far away. Only say from behind fake names and photoshopped you.
I just ask this, be kind please, these are decent human beings facing NOW WHAT. Now What also faced by their families, wives, husbands, children.
Not a one I know did anything to deserve this, other than, you know, “…just business.” Just not for them anymore.
Kindness matters most to those who hurt the most.
I just had to say this, kindness, I worry, is slipping away. Could be impossible for any of us to get it back once gone.
Then What.